5 Fun Activities to Promote Gross Motor Skills with Toddler

Kristie Perry, DPT

Gross motor skills require whole body movements which involve large muscles of the body to perform everyday functions. Gross motor skills are crucial for toddlers as they learn to control their body movements, balance, and coordination. Engaging in activities that promote these skills not only fosters physical development but improves overall well-being.

Here are five fun and creative activities that parents and caregivers can incorporate into their toddlers’ daily routines to encourage the development of gross motor skills.

1.     Obstacle Course Adventure:

Create an indoor obstacle course using household items like pillows, cushions, chairs, and tunnels. For an outdoor obstacle course use chalk, sticks, or rocks. Guide your toddler through the course encouraging them to crawl under, climb over, run through, jump over, or balance on various objects.

2.     Dance Party:

Grab a speaker and turn up the music and host a dance party in your living room! You can dance together, imitate different animal movements, or play freeze dance to add variety and fun to the song.

These are some of our favorite songs to use:

·      “The Hokey Pokey”

·      “If You’re Happy and You Know It”

·      “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”

·      “The Wheels on the Bus”

·      “Baby Shark”

3.     Balloon Volleyball

Blow up a balloon and encourage your toddler to hit the balloon back and forth using their hands, feet, and even their head. You may even want to draw a silly face on the balloon and try not to let it touch the ground!

 4.     Nature Walk and Scavenger Hunt:

Take your toddler on a Nature walk around your neighborhood or local park. Explore your surroundings and collect nature treasures such as leaves, sticks, or rocks. Create a scavenger hunt checklist with simple items to find along the way, such as a yellow flower, smooth pebble, or a feather. Walking outdoors promotes balance, coordination, and strength, while the scavenger hunt adds an element of excitement and discovery.

 5.     Bubble Fun:

Blow bubbles and encourage your toddler to chase and pop them. You can also provide a bubble wand and encourage them to reach, stretch, and jump to catch the bubbles in the air.

Engaging in fun and stimulating activities is essential for promoting gross motor skills in toddlers. By incorporating these five activities into your child’s daily routine, you can help them develop essential physical abilities while creating memories and strengthening your bond together. Provide encouragement and support, and most importantly, have fun exploring and learning together. 


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