30-36 Months
Developmental Milestones
Developmental milestones are key skills or objectives that your child should obtain naturally on their own through growth and development. We track these milestones in the categories of cognitive, communication, social, emotional, adaptive, and physical development.
Child should be able to state whether they are a boy or girl.
Child should be able to stack rings on peg in order of size.
Child should be able to count to five.
Child should be able to complete a three to four piece puzzle.
Child should be able to match objects by color, shape, and size.
Child should be able to build a bridge using three blocks.
Child can understand “big” and “little.”
Child can describe what he or she is doing.
Child can respond to “who” and “whose” questions.
Child can ask “what” or “where” questions.
Child can understand “beside” and “under.”
Child can show affection to younger children by hugging and kissing.
Child can repeat rhymes, songs, or dance for others.
Child can change activities when requested.
Child can interact appropriately with others during group activities.
Child can show independence. (Example: Does not want to be held)
Child can pour milk/juice with some assistance.
Child has daytime control of toileting needs, occasional accidents.
Child should get a drink of water unassisted.
Child should brush teeth independently.
Child should know where possessions are kept.
Physical Development
Child can thread small beads on string.
Child can snip paper with scissors.
Child can walk forward heel to toe.
Child can stand on one foot for a few seconds.
Child can kick a stationary ball at least 6 feet.
All information is taken from the Third Edition of Early Childhood Development by Judith K. Voress and Nils A. Pearson.
The Play Based Approach
At Ability Innovations we believe that children learn best through play. Our talented pediatric therapists are trained to improvise and adapt to the needs of each child. They help guide your little hero soar to new heights. If you feel like play-based therapy is right for your child, give us a call and schedule your free consultation today!