48-54 Months
Developmental Milestones
Developmental milestones are key skills or objectives that your child should obtain naturally on their own through growth and development. We track these milestones in the categories of cognitive, communication, social, emotional, adaptive, and physical development.
Child can identify “first”, “last”, and “middle.”
Child can distinguish between real and make-believe.
Child can understand the concept of “zero.”
Child can identify “half”, and “whole” objects.
Child can name at least twenty letters.
Child can identify rhyming words.
Child can complete simple verbal analogies.
Child can can state similarities between objects.
Child can use possessives.
Child can use sentences of five or more words.
Child should offer item or activity to another in exchange for an item or activity.
Child should accept valid criticism.
Child should ask before using another’s belongings.
Child should talk about their own feelings.
Child should show pride in accomplishments.
Child can cross street safely.
Child can request food to be passed at the table.
Child understands which shoe belongs on which foot.
Child can put dirty dishes in sink or in dishwasher.
Child can adjust water temperature for bath or shower.
Physical Development
Child can cut a straight line.
Child can balance on one foot.
Child can swing on swing maintaining their own momentum.
Child can rapidly touch each finger to thumb.
Child can turn a somersault.
All information is taken from the Third Edition of Early Childhood Development by Judith K. Voress and Nils A. Pearson.
The Play Based Approach
At Ability Innovations we believe that children learn best through play. Our talented pediatric therapists are trained to improvise and adapt to the needs of each child. They help guide your little hero soar to new heights. If you feel like play-based therapy is right for your child, give us a call and schedule your free consultation today!