60-72 Months
Developmental Milestones
Developmental milestones are key skills or objectives that your child should obtain naturally on their own through growth and development. We track these milestones in the categories of cognitive, communication, social, emotional, adaptive, and physical development.
Child can count up to 20 objects.
Child can draw five or more identifiable objects.
Child can tell month and day of birth.
Child can write first and last name from memory.
Child can state the uses of at least three body parts.
Child can read 10 or more words.
Child can use irregular plurals.
Child knows what to do in each season.
Child can tell simple jokes.
Child can identify left and right on their own body.
Child can use “yesterday” and “tomorrow.”
Child can identify at least three units of currency.
Child should apologize if they hurt someone’s feelings.
Child can complete pencil/paper games.
Child can remain calm when small requests are denied.
Child can answer the phone, remember a message, and deliver it to the correct person.
Child can work alone on chores for 20 minutes.
Child can make simple breakfast and lunch.
Child can set and clear table without assistance.
Child can use table knife for spreading.
Child can take a shower or bath independently.
Child can dust furniture.
Physical Development
Child can skip.
Child can copy a diamond.
Child can cut out simple geometric shapes.
Child can drop a ball and kick it forward before it hits the floor.
Child can dribble an 8-10 inch ball using one hand.
All information is taken from the Third Edition of Early Childhood Development by Judith K. Voress and Nils A. Pearson.
The Play Based Approach
At Ability Innovations we believe that children learn best through play. Our talented pediatric therapists are trained to improvise and adapt to the needs of each child. They help guide your little hero soar to new heights. If you feel like play-based therapy is right for your child, give us a call and schedule your free consultation today!