Emotional regulation strategies

During this difficult time, with COVID-19 changing a lot of routines in our lives emotional regulation skills are more important that ever. Emotional Regulation Strategies are important to have on hand when you’re working through big emotions with your child. These tips and tricks from Emotional Coaching Expert Wendy Bertagnole will give you practical skills you can use in real time to help your child when they’re experiencing big emotions.

What is Emotional Regulation:

Emotional regulation is a person’s ability to respond to an emotional stimulus. People use emotional regulation all throughout the day in a wide variety of applications. Individuals who practice emotional regulation are better able to cope with life’s stressors and be more emotionally resilient.

Teaching Emotional Regulation Skills:

Teaching emotional regulation to your children is a great way to help them develop great coping skills throughout their life. Being able to model these skills are a parent or caretaker will help them to be able to see these skills in action throughout their life and help them to become emotionally resilient adults.

If you’re looking for some emotional regulation skills for your child and how to implement them in your home, watch our video below as we discuss these skills with Parenting Coach Wendy Bertagnole. She specializes in supporting parents as they manage big and challenging emotions with their children.

Watch our conversation with Wendy Bertgnole, author and creator of The exceptional parenting podcast/ We discussed Tips to Handle Big Emotions in the Heat of the Moment.



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