Joyful journey in pediatrics

Shauni Snow, COTA

As a pediatric Occupational Therapy Assistant, I find some of my truest joy within the bustling walls of Ability Innovations. Every day, I step into this clinic, armed with determination and an unwavering love for helping children overcome challenges. The opportunity to be part of a child's journey towards growth and independence is a privilege that fills me with fulfillment and purpose.

1. Making a Difference in Little Lives

In the realm of pediatric occupational therapy, every session is a chance to make a lasting impact on a child's life. Each day I witness firsthand the transformation of a timid child into a confident individual, capable of conquering daily activities. Whether it's assisting a child with fine motor skills, sensory processing, or social interaction, every milestone achieved is a victory worth celebrating.

2. Tailored Approach to Care

I love being able to personalize treatment plans for each child, ensuring that their unique needs, abilities, and interests are at the forefront. From creative sensory play to interactive exercises, I tailor therapies that align with a child's developmental stage and foster their growth in a way that's engaging and enjoyable.

3. Collaborative Team Efforts

At Ability Innovations, collaboration is key. Being part of a multidisciplinary team allows us to harness collective knowledge and expertise. Collaborative discussions and input from fellow occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech and even feeding therapists to devise holistic and effective strategies for each child, promoting comprehensive development and optimal outcomes.

4. Witnessing Resilience and Determination

The resilience and determination displayed by the young souls I work with is awe-inspiring. Despite facing challenges, they demonstrate unwavering determination to improve and master skills. Their enthusiasm and tenacity motivate me to give my best every day and continually evolve as a therapist to provide the best care possible.

5. Fostering Relationships with Families

Each day at work I get the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with the families of the children we serve. Open communication, empathy, and education are pillars of these relationships. Guiding and supporting families through their child's journey fosters trust, understanding, and a stronger sense of community.

6. Celebrating Milestones, Big and Small

At Ability Innovations we celebrate every accomplishment, no matter how big or small. Witnessing a child tie their shoelaces independently, use utensils proficiently, or engage in play with newfound confidence is incredibly rewarding. Each success story reaffirms the importance of our work and ignites the drive to keep pushing for the best possible outcomes.

Being a pediatric occupational therapy assistant is a blend of heartwarming moments, collaborative growth, and boundless potential. It's a privilege to witness the resilience of these young warriors and contribute to shaping their future, one step at a time. My journey in this realm continues to be a fulfilling odyssey, driven by love, passion, and the unwavering belief in the immense potential of every child I encounter.


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