Why would a child need physical therapy?

Sara Kester, DPT

Physical therapist help to increase the child’s strength, mobility, and ability to play and keep up with their peers. Many children are referred to physical therapy if they are developmentally delayed or have a chronic condition. If you are unsure what is normal development is read below or visit this link: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html.

Common conditions are:

·       Delayed motor milestones (not sitting, not crawling, etc by the expected time frame)

·       Cerebral palsy

·       Spina bifida

·       Torticollis and/or plagiocephaly

·       Down syndrome (trisomy 21)

·       Low-tone or high-tone (spasticity)

·       Toe-walking

·       Post-brain injury

·       After cast is removed

·       Post-surgery

·       Joint pain

·       Sports injuries

·       Limb abnormalities or amputation

·       Other Genetic abnormalities

·       Overly clumsy or trips/falls a lot

·       Just about anything to do with movement, coordination, and strength!


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