Promoting Early Language Development Through Outdoor Activities

Emma Bowman, M.A. CCC-SLP

Outdoor play is a fantastic opportunity to enhance early language development in children. Here are some fun, free, and engaging ways to weave early language facilitation strategies into your outdoor adventures:

1. Nature Walks + Modeling Language

Take a walk in the park or hike a local trail, encouraging your child to observe their surroundings. As you’re walking, describe what you notice about each of your senses (i.e., what do you hear, see, feel, smell, taste) and consider commenting about the trees, flowers, and animals you encounter (e.g., “I see a…turtle! I hear…the leaves crunching”). 

2. Snow + Expansion

While playing in the snow, you can encourage your child’s language development through expansion, or ‘copy and add’. For example, if your child says, “snowman!” you can respond with, “big snowman”, “tall snowman”, “melting snowman”, or “cold snowman”. This not only acknowledges their comment but also adds another word so that they can hear how they can make their utterance longer. 

3. Swings + Pausing

When on the swings, try modeling the phrase “ready, set….GO!” before pushing them higher. After modeling this predictable phrase a few times, try holding the swing still and pausing while saying “ready, set….” (try pausing for 5 whole seconds) and wait to see if the child finishes the phrase with “Go!” before pushing them again. If after 5 seconds the child does not respond, model/finish the phrase, and try again. Wait-time can be challenging, but you may be surprised with what a child may say when you give an opportunity to pause and sit in silence for a moment. 

4. Water + Using Gestures/Signs

Water play is often a favorite for children. Consider offering a bin with water and cups. You can add ice cubes or even bubbles with their cars and a sponge to make a car wash. While adding water into the bin, model signs including “more” or “again”. If the child wants bubbles, model pointing inside the bin as a way to show the child how they can request the bubbles to be put in the bin. If the container for the soap/bubbles is closed, model the sign for “open” before opening and adding them to the container. 


Outdoor activities can happen during any time of year, and can be an easy and free opportunity to foster and practice early language facilitation strategies. These few strategies will help promote furthering your child’s language development, while also providing a fun and language-rich experience. 


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