Hodson’s Cycle Approach: Why I Love It and Why It’s Great for So Many Kids
Speech Therapy Sarah Sidwell Speech Therapy Sarah Sidwell

Hodson’s Cycle Approach: Why I Love It and Why It’s Great for So Many Kids

If your child is highly unintelligible or has multiple phonological patterns, Hodson’s Cycles can help them become more understandable quickly. Here are some of the reasons I love this approach:

Quick Improvement: By focusing on primary speech patterns that impact overall intelligibility, we often see faster results.

Suitable for Young Children: It works for kids as young as 3 years old.

Personalized Targets: We select specific patterns and words tailored to each child, usually only 4-5 words instead of a long list of words.

Word-Level Focus: We only need to work at the word level to see improvements.

Generalization: Working on specific patterns or sounds often improves other sounds that aren’t directly targeted.

Phonological Awareness: Hodson’s cycles includes phonological awareness activities that may boost literacy outcomes.

Fun and Fast: The method is engaging and can be done quickly.

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