
0-3 Months

Developmental Milestones

Developmental milestones are key skills or objectives that your child should obtain naturally on their own through growth and development. We track these milestones in the categories of cognitive, communication, social, emotional, adaptive, and physical development.


  • Child should be able to watch an object as it moves slowly through their line of sight.

  • Child should be able to move hand to mouth.

  • Child should be able to look back and forth between two objects.

  • Child should be able to inspects their own hands.

  • Child should be able to use mouth toys.


  • Child should be startled by loud noises.

  • Child should cry when hungry or uncomfortable.

  • Child should turn head head toward voice.

  • Child should make other noises than crying.

  • Child should have a differentiated cry for fatigue, hanger, and pain.

  • Child should coo when spoken to by caregiver.


  • Child should look at the faces of adults.

  • Child should interact with adults by smiling and cooing.

  • Child should recognize familiar faces and objects.

  • Child should stop crying when talked to, picked up, or comforted.

  • Child should express feelings of anger, excitement, and hunger.


  • Child should form a tight seal around the nipple when sucking.

  • Child should swallow liquids with no difficulty.

  • Child should coordinate sucking, swallowing, and breathing.

  • Child should enjoy bath time.

  • Child should sleep for 4 to 10 hour intervals.

Physical Development

  • When child is held upright they will bear some weight on legs.

  • When child is lying on back, they can brig hands together.

  • When child is lying on stomach, they can raise their head for brief periods of time.

  • While child is in supported sitting position, they can reach for and grasp objects.

  • Child should be able to roll from side to back.

All information is taken from the Third Edition of Early Childhood Development by Judith K. Voress and Nils A. Pearson.

The Play Based Approach

At Ability Innovations we believe that children learn best through play. Our talented pediatric therapists are trained to improvise and adapt to the needs of each child. They help guide your little hero soar to new heights. If you feel like play-based therapy is right for your child, give us a call and schedule your free consultation today!